free school &/ online services

“Working with you in Circle has been that gentle, soft, yet STRONG place to land. To ground. Working with you in Circle, even through YouTube and your Oracle Live readings, your New and Full Moon readings, have been the safe places that I’ve always wanted. That space where I feel seen, understood, respected, and loved. I am so grateful for your presence here on Earth at this time, coincidentally coinciding with mine.”
- Riquel Corder, USA



On Youtube

free development classes to remember your crafts, meditations for self practice, and live biweekly tarot divinations.

On Patreon

free offerings for free members, as well as ongoing monthly group circles and practice grounds for paid members.


“I’ve experienced so much growth working and studying with Josi. Yes, she brings years of experience and knowledge through yoga, meditation, energy work and intuitive connection. But what has allowed for such transformation for me is being in the space she holds, the circle where we explore and grow our personal empowerment and create unconditional support for all in community. Working with Josie has been part of my personal practice for several years and more to come.”
- Jody Low-A-Chee, Toronto

Online group circles

Aether Space

This shares access to a monthly practice circle, where live, on zoom, we meet to learn with & experience AETHER. We meet the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month, at 11am Eastern Time.

In the realm of Aether, there is stored a compendium of information, on (y)our life experiences, beyond even just this one. To learn further of these realms, please enjoy the D-school introductory class on Akasha.

Travelers club

This shares access to a monthly practice circle, where live, on zoom, we meet to learn & experience cleansing our intuitive processes of Body, in connections with the energies of Earth & Sky together. We meet the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 6:30-8pm Eastern Time.

In this consciousness travel practice space, Josi will facilitate certain practices to support us cleansing/clearing the way, to further explore our inner lands of Body, in support of Earth connections, to support more well-being/support to be actualized and grounded into our everyday activities.

Ancestors circle

This shares access to a monthly connection time, where live, on zoom, we meet to connect with our most honourable & beloved Ancestors of Earth & Sky, &/or those most Ancient and Divine One(s), in order to support our annular rhythms of learning, healing & growing with Spirit. These connections are timed to support access, as well as ample protections, in the converging cycles of the earth, moon, sun, and stars. They tend to be around full moon.

Ancestral connections are experiential practices, with breath, consciousness, and Spirit presence. You may wish to listen to the Ancestor class from D-school, shared by Josi. In these guided group meditation/experience/journeys, may you discover the joy of learning, in practice with your counsel of ancestors, ancients, and of those most Divine.

“I started a love journey with Josi over one year ago. The sessions began with co-creating the basics I needed to be able to open to love, firstly protection of myself and space. Through our sessions, I understood agency and self-love and true love and acceptance of others, even enjoyment of difference. I understood what it means to follow myself, to articulate my wants and needs, and to communicate with care. The world is more luscious now that I can fully participate with all of me. I am observably more attractive since our sessions, and my friends comment the same. The journey was at times difficult, and I grappled with deep concepts. I have even been asked how I became so "mature" as they say, and I tell them its through my love journey with Josi. My relationship with every living being is more loving, and I have created a partnership I enjoy with a capacity for enjoyment that I did not have before. Thank you Josi, I am grateful for you and our journey together.”
- Noora, Bahrain

Online private connections

Grateful that you landed here.

A landing pad, where we can gently grow relations, over times, with spaces between. In times, honouring our rhythms and cycles of life, slowly discovering trust & further capacity, to be in full presence, together.

Josi has fostered relations, privately, for over a decade, with those who wish to journey, in body, of earth, with Spirit.

I share online, safer spaces & most protected connections with Spirit, an umbrella-term to share of those most Sacred. You may choose to connect with Josi for online trainings/journeys, over seasons and/or years together, and, or, for the bookable services shared here, to initiate, or continue responsible connections, with Josi, et. al. (most beloved Ancestors, the Ancient Ones, and the Many found in OneAll.)

teas, treatments &/ Divination

Tea chat, 1 hour-ish. $120 where we connect online, with water, tea, to breathe and be.... and to see what comes up to possibly discuss, &/ process together.

Reiki Treatment, 1-1.5 hours, $144, inital session, then pricing varies on energy cleansing needs, and/or if we proceed with a treatment plan, or exchange.

Ancestral connections, 1.5-2.5hrs. $300 Josi brings you to a space/place, where we meet with those most beloved, to receive direct communications for your queries, as well as to support your heart, body, and mind. Once in connections, the communications will be recorded and sent to you as an audio file, for further times of relistening. Josi will also share an email recap, within 48 hours after our connection, to share the most pertinent guidance shared in words, for review, as needed. Preparations and integration time is requested, and further information will be given once initial email of your interest and willingness for this service is shared.


specific-based query (on money, love, power, etc.) 30-45mins, $52. recorded messages with Aelders and pictures of cards drawn are shared afterwards.

seasonal assistance, 1hr-1hr15m, $88 tarot for the season's teachings for you, things to prepare for, ways to support your body, mind, and heart amidst the season's fluxes & flow. Audio recording of messages and pictures of cards drawn are shared afterwards.

annular rhythms, 2-3hr, $250 divination connection, 12-months & 13-cycles are drawn. Whole connection is recorded and shared in a private video link, and the cards drawn are shared via email/what's app afterwards.

all connections are held on Zoom. this ensures Josi is in their sacred practice space, as well as you are in a safer space too. Once agreement of booking time, date, and service is made between us, payments are requested to be sent via e-transfer or credit card, prior to our service commencement time. The payments for online private services are listed in Canadian funds.

These services offered here, first support Josi's needs in shelter, food, and care. Once those are cared for, a portion of the additional funds received, will go forwards to Mutual Aid support. Receipts and information on the Mutual Aid that our service supported, is updated and shared via Patreon.

Wallart Wallpainting in Palermo Sicily Italy Young boy playing the accordion by Kristin Snippe

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