
Being a Warrior

When I first connected to my past lives, I knew that in many I was a necromancer. I communicated to Spirits that have transitioned from one plane of existence to another. It was one of my gifts that moved through my lives with me. I remember also my lives as a warrior. A male fighter, […]


This is a story of how I came to channel. Of how I came to accept myself in all that I am meant to offer. May it be a salve for the wounds of self-doubt and lack of worth. I was always connected to Spirit. Specifically through dreams at first, since I learned early on […]

Intention & Blessing

I step into writing on this new blog with an intention. A blessing that will share what I envision of this shared space. I have come to an understanding within me. I have traipsed and traveled through many cycles of healing, and I will continue to do so with reverence for our true capacity to […]

Spirit and the Wild

Before there was this blog, I had another. One that traveled through my first years as a teacher, reluctant and all. If you wish to peruse it, please click here for the link to my previous 7 years of writings, Spirit and the Wild.