
My Story a: intro

Welcome. Thank you for your interest in reading even little snippets of my story. Story is living energy that can be moved (shared through space/time) through words, sounds, and more. Once story is shared, the energy can be received by all who consent. What is received, may trigger reaction, memory, feeling, body sensations/movements. When receiving story […]

An excerpt on Consent

Why do we help people that don’t want to be helped? Share advice or intuition freely? Because there was non-verbal consent. A part of their being cried out and said help. You answered. They listened… a bit. Until it shook their status quo too much. Until it helped them transcend. They then said fuck you. […]

The Wounded Teacher

Throughout my life I have contemplated the role of a teacher. I actually have written about it numerous times in my previous blogs, sharing my reluctance in stepping into this role. We tend to be reluctant in moving towards our actual capacity. It is our skill at something that can be sometimes scary as f*ck, […]


The most monumental discovery I have made in my healing energy work has been the active requirement for boundaries. Boundaries with clients, students, lovers, family, friends, employers, you name it! As a reformed people pleaser who was taught from an early age that my self-worth was inherently linked to acquiescing to the demands of others, […]

Intention & Blessing

I step into writing on this new blog with an intention. A blessing that will share what I envision of this shared space. I have come to an understanding within me. I have traipsed and traveled through many cycles of healing, and I will continue to do so with reverence for our true capacity to […]

Honouring your Teachers

How do you honour the teachings? How do you honour the roots of your work? By acknowledging and giving thanks to those who came before you, those who have shared their energy with you, those who have taught you their ways. We are all wayshowers, and I wish to give thanks to my teachers and […]

Energy Work – Code of Conduct

Energy work is work and not play. Meaning, when you start to play with power, when you treat someone’s life-force lightly, challenges may occur. It is important to know that with working with energy, comes certain understandings in order to not allow you to misuse your connection to power. This code of conduct helps you […]

Your Energy Body

Your physical body is the obvious part of your being, one that you move, rest, nourish and celebrate. But did you know that within that physicality of bones, muscles, skin, etc. that they all flow together, that they are all part of a larger whole? This can be known as your energetic body. The energy, […]