my story

Breaking up, take 2

Breaking up with the online spiritual community was way less dramatic than when I broke up with the yoga industry in 2012. How kismet to utilize the codings of a #5 year to prophesize what would occur in a #7 year (and the patternings of 5, 7, leading you back to… 1? or 0). People […]


I am sorry.Please forgive me.Thank you)))I love you. This is a Ho’oponopono prayer that may be translated in different ways.But it is a prayer that is shared 4 wards 2wards you.In prayer, I begin. I must.It is a way of incantational intentional movimentum of sound and words to protect us in Space.Please know that what I share […]

My Story a: intro

Welcome. Thank you for your interest in reading even little snippets of my story. Story is living energy that can be moved (shared through space/time) through words, sounds, and more. Once story is shared, the energy can be received by all who consent. What is received, may trigger reaction, memory, feeling, body sensations/movements. When receiving story […]


This is a story of how I came to channel. Of how I came to accept myself in all that I am meant to offer. May it be a salve for the wounds of self-doubt and lack of worth. I was always connected to Spirit. Specifically through dreams at first, since I learned early on […]

Slowly but Surely

I have always connected to my nomadic ways of past-lives, as I traipsed and traveled around the globe. Me, my trusty suitcase, laptop and yoga mat. Some crystals and little things collected too. Wherever I set up as home, all I needed to do was to just place them on a bedside table, it was […]

The Teacher & The Student

This is Josie’s story. A tale of a little precocious child who was born to a yogi, a mother who learned under Maharishi Ayurveda meditation and connection to space, energy and revelations. She was a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation and one of Josie’s first memories of yoga was coming with her mother to one of […]

Elemental Teachers

As I embrace the elements as my teachers, learning from their simplicity and their wild chaos, I accept more and moreso my main focus on releasing judgements and expectations. Do you blame fire when it burns you? Do you hate the ocean when a wave pushes you over? Do you give judgement to how hot […]

Spirit and the Wild

Before there was this blog, I had another. One that traveled through my first years as a teacher, reluctant and all. If you wish to peruse it, please click here for the link to my previous 7 years of writings, Spirit and the Wild.