self practice

My Story a: intro

Welcome. Thank you for your interest in reading even little snippets of my story. Story is living energy that can be moved (shared through space/time) through words, sounds, and more. Once story is shared, the energy can be received by all who consent. What is received, may trigger reaction, memory, feeling, body sensations/movements. When receiving story […]

Your Energy Body

Your physical body is the obvious part of your being, one that you move, rest, nourish and celebrate. But did you know that within that physicality of bones, muscles, skin, etc. that they all flow together, that they are all part of a larger whole? This can be known as your energetic body. The energy, […]

Energy is Everything!

This is one of the greatest laws of creation. One of the first concepts to comprehend. The word originates from a meaning of force or vitality, and is from the late Latin which rooted from the Greek energeia, from en- ‘in, within’ and ergon- ‘work’ (Oxford dictionary). It is vital life-force, it is found within […]

Your Story

What’s your story? What brings you to this moment, this breath, this Now? What has shaped you, guided you, loved and nourished you? What has aided in revealing you more about Self, Purpose and Love? What has hurt you, what have you overcome, what lessons have you had to experience? Woah! BIG EXHALE. Looooonnnng Inhale. […]